Tuesday, May 15, 2012

NORTHLAND IMMIGRATION INC. Doing Business With Secretary In ...

Job Title : Secretary
City : Regina
State : Saskatchewan
Country : CA
Location : Regina, SK
Date : 2012-05-15 02:42:36
latitude : 50.447803
longitude : -104.61539
Status Active
Job key 902aa4778212409d

Reported at May 15, 2012. Is already NORTHLAND IMMIGRATION INC. at the time employing Secretary. The occupation nestled in the location Regina, SK territory of Saskatchewan SK.

And therefore the situation of the job is Active. So besure to learn the job examination below and go on come to the APPLY THE JOB button to continue further.

The summary of job description of Secretary :

Secretary Job examination provided by NORTHLAND IMMIGRATION INC.. If you can quick apply this job you only click the Apply the job button at the bottom of this information.
Northland Immigration Inc. is a full-service legal immigration service firm, we represent clients to conduct business on their behalf with respect to Citizenship and Immigration Canada and legal administrative processes under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. We provide legal services with the following programs: Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Federal Skilled Workers...


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