Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Boosting Your Internet Income Opportunity Using Maps Marketing ...

Affiliate marketing is a tough way to create an internet income opportunity and make a full time living at doing it. I know because I?ve been working at it for nearly 4 years and while I do make money, the money I make from affiliate marketing alone is not enough to pay all my bills. That?s why I started diversifying what I?m doing online.

Let me explain and show you what I?ve had to do to make a living online.

First, I still do affiliate marketing?that?s the first thing I got into when I started to try to make a living online. I create websites and blogs that focus on a variety of niches and products and I drive traffic to these websites by getting them to rank on the first page of the search engines.

Learning how to do this successfully was difficult to do and I don?t think I would have ever learned how to do it if I hadn?t of pinched myself and invested in the Wealthy Affiliate. I hate spending money, but the training and support that you get in this program is well worth the money.

Next, I sell products on the internet using pay-per-click advertising. Doing this can be costly if you don?t learn how to do it properly. When I first started doing this type of paid advertising, I lost a lot of money?I mean a lot!

Fortunately, I quit doing PPC advertising and after I joined the Wealthy Affiliate Program, I found the training I needed to do PPC advertising successfully. I?m now successfully selling products online using PPC advertising. But, I?m not selling these products on Google Adwords, I?m using the 7Search program?much less expensive.

The next thing I did to increase my internet income opportunity was to start helping local offline businesses increase their online marketing efforts. People just don?t use the Yellow Pages like they use to. People nowdays go online to find a plumber when they need one. Helping local businesses to get their websites found online has been financially rewarding for me and my customers. I learned how to be successful at this using the Power 3 Marketing course.

Creating mobile websites for local businesses was the next step that I took towards making a full-time living by working onlie. Nearly 40% of all searches on the internet are done with mobile devices such as the SmartPhone. And, due to the growth of iPads, it?s estimated that over 50% of the searches done on the internet will be done with mobils devices by the summer of 2013.

Most local businesses don?t have a mobile website and I?m there to help them solve that problem?their websites become much more user-friendly for mobile device users.

Last of all, and this is the one that finally made it possible for me to earn a full-time living online, I?m now helping local business to get their business?s found on Google Maps?or, Google+ Local as Google now calls it (don?t you love it how Google is constantly changing?).

Take a look at the Google+ Places map below:


Those 3 businesses at the top of the map will secure over 50% of the clicks made on that page. My job is to create a new website and phone number (I OWN that website and phone number) for a local business and then get that business website and phone number at the top of Google+ Local?s map. It means huge new business opportunity for that local business owner.

I charge them $1,000- $2,000 to set that program up and $500 ? $1,000/month in maintenance fees. It?s a no-brainer for the business owner. If each customer generates the business owner an average of $200/customer profit and if the busines is getting 25 new customers/month? the owner is way ahead.

I?ve learned this last part of my business from MapsMarketingBlueprint.com (and, no, that is NOT an affiliate link? it?s only my recommendation).

Yes, the course is a bit expensive, but my first customer more than paid for that course. And, one thing I learned when I first started affiliate marketing, it will take you years to learn how to do it unless you pay someone to teach you.

These are the steps that I have taken to create an internet income opportunity and make a full-time living from online marketing?and, now, I?m my own boss!

Technorati Tags: google+ local, home work business opportunities, income opportunity home based business, internet income opportunity, legitimate business opportunity, maps marketing blueprint, network marketing internet business

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  5. Network Marketing Internet Business ? Creating Mobile Websites

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