Wednesday, July 18, 2012

not your average ordinary >> Building Foundations

Building Foundations

A friend and I were talking marriage and weddings last night. She and her boyfriend have been together for 18 months, and they recently exchanged the sentiment that they would like to be married someday. Since then, they?ve had several more conversations about the subject and discovered that while they?re very much in love, they?re also a little nervous about such a big step. They?re young ? not quite 25 yet ? and they really want to do this right. They don?t want to get caught up in planning a wedding; instead, they want to focus on building the right foundations for a long and happy partnership.

While I have learned many lessons from past relationships, like the importance of honestly and non-critically communicating your emotions, I?m really curious to find out what you have to say about this topic.

If you?re married or in a partnership, what practices make yours work well?

If you?re single, what are some of the greatest lessons you?ve learned from your relationships?

Are there any books or online forums you recommend?

I can?t wait to see what conversations pop up in the comments.

{image by annstheclaf, licensed under Creative Commons}

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