Friday, August 31, 2012

Republican Convention Recap: As Experts Warn 'The Door Is Closing' On Climate, The GOP Mocks The Problem

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CONVENTION WATCH: 2 churches, Ryan delights

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? Around the 2012 Republican National Convention and its host city with journalists from The Associated Press bringing the flavor and details to you:



Republicans danced on their convention floor in delight at the conclusion of Paul Ryan's speech. As the vice presidential candidate neared the end of his speech, his voice rising, many in the crowd burst into a placard-waving, dancing-in-the-aisles burst of exuberance.

Even a few beach balls appeared, bopped around by the crowd, as Ryan and his family waved on stage. The Wisconsin congressman is a favorite among the party faithful and especially conservatives.

? Sally Buzbee



Much has been said about President Barack Obama's popularity among young people in his 2008 race for the presidency ? and the greater apathy many young voters are thought to feel this time around.

Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan took a swipe at Obama on just that issue Wednesday, telling the convention crowd that "college graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and get going with life."

Obama has been campaigning hard the last few weeks on college campuses, hoping that once again the youth vote can give him a boost.

? Sally Buzbee



Paul Ryan touched on his Catholic faith and Mitt Romney's Mormon faith in accepting the Republican nomination for vice president.

"Mitt and I also go to different churches. But in any church, the best kind of preaching is done by example. And I've been watching that example," Ryan said. "The man who will accept your nomination is prayerful and faithful and honorable. Not only a defender of marriage, he offers an example of marriage at its best. Not only a fine businessman, he's a fine man, worthy of leading this optimistic and good-hearted country.

"Our different faiths come together in the same moral creed," Ryan continued. "We believe that in every life there is goodness; for every person, there is hope. Each one of us was made for a reason, bearing the image and likeness of the Lord of Life."

? Stephen Ohlemacher ? Twitter



In a speech assailing Barack Obama, vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan called the stimulus spending "a case of political patronage, corporate welfare and cronyism" at its worst.

But the Wisconsin lawmaker himself asked for stimulus funds in his district shortly after Congress approved the plan. Those pleas included letters to Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis seeking stimulus grant money for two Wisconsin energy conservation companies. One firm received $20.3 million, according to federal records.

? Jack Gillum



Condoleezza Rice got a huge roar of approval from fellow Republicans when she recounted her life story, the story of a little girl who "grows up in Jim Crow Birmingham ? the most segregated big city in America."

"Her parents can't take her to a movie theater or a restaurant," remembered the former secretary of state, who is black. "But they make her believe that even though she can't have a hamburger at the Woolworth's lunch counter, she can be president of the United States. And she becomes the secretary of state."

Just moments later, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez spoke in startlingly similar terms about her own childhood, remembering that: "Growing up, I never imagined a girl from a border town could one day become a governor. But this is America." And then switching to Spanish she added: "Y, en America todo es posible."

Republicans are increasingly worried about their ability to attract minority voters and they have highlighted a series of speakers from diverse backgrounds.

Both Rice and Martinez were mentioned at various times as possible vice presidential picks, but both insisted they were not interested.

? Sally Buzbee



Paul Ryan is giving voters a vivid image of the nation's unemployment crisis.

If everyone now out of work stood in single file, he says, "that unemployment line would stretch the length of the entire American continent."

"You would think that any president, whatever his party, would make job creation, and nothing else, his first order of economic business," Ryan told GOP delegates. "But this president didn't do that. Instead, we got a long, divisive, all-or-nothing attempt to put the federal government in charge of health care."

Ryan's acceptance speech Wednesday night stands as one of the fiercest attacks on President Barak Obama's record in a convention flush with harsh words.

Leading such attacks is a traditional role for the No. 2 candidate on a ticket.

? Connie Cass ? Twitter



With his grandkids piled around him and a table full of pizza, Mitt Romney watched Wednesday's convention speeches from his hotel room in Tampa.

On Thursday, Romney's 18 grandkids can watch their "Papa" accept his party's nomination for president.



As Paul Ryan was in the midst of an attack-dog speech accepting the vice presidential nomination, he was disrupted by a pink banner and a yelling protester. The protester, apparently from the group Code Pink, was escorted out as some in the crowd started shouting "U-S-A."

? Liz Sidoti



Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice keeps insisting she's not a politician and not interested in elected office. Indeed, her tone at the Republican National Convention was markedly different than that of the other speakers.

For example, few of the speakers ? mostly elected officials and longtime politicians ? begin by greeting the boisterous crowd as "distinguished delegates."

Rice, of course, is America's former top diplomat and a longtime academic, and she's known for a more formal speaking style, as befits her professions.

Yet despite the academic cast to her words, her address was overtly political, as she described for the crowd what she called a nation at risk of falling into decline and told the crowd that America cannot "lead from behind."

And the crowd did not respond formally ? instead giving her several rounds of clamorous standing ovations.

? Sally Buzbee



Former pastor and one-time presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee says he wants to clear the air about whether "guys like me ? an evangelical ? would only support a fellow evangelical."

"Of the four people on the two tickets, the only self-professed evangelical is Barack Obama," Huckabee told the GOP convention. "And he supports changing the definition of marriage; believes that human life is disposable and expendable at any time in the womb, even beyond the womb; and tells people of faith that they must bow their knees to the god of government and violate their faith and conscience in order to comply with what he calls health care."

Referring to the Republican nominee's Mormon faith, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee said: "I care far less as to where Mitt Romney takes his family to church than I do about where he takes this country."

? Connie Cass ? Twitter



Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty compares President Barack Obama to a youthful indiscretion.

"I've come to realize that Barack Obama is the tattoo president. Like a big tattoo, it seemed cool when we were young," Pawlenty said in his convention speech Wednesday night. "But later on, that decision doesn't look so good, and you wonder: what was I thinking?"

? Stephen Ohlemacher ? Twitter



"As goes Maine, so goes the nation!"

That was the chant of about 200 supporters of Ron Paul on Wednesday, still smarting over a ruling that prevented 10 Paul delegates from Maine from being seated at the convention.

But instead of taking their protest to the convention floor, the group from Texas, Maine, Nevada and Colorado marched in the hallway outside the arena repeating the chant. A convention panel switched the Maine delegates from Paul to Mitt Romney last week, saying the Paul delegates were elected in violation of party and parliamentary rules.

Adding to the anger of Paul's delegates, the convention adopted new rules Tuesday designed to limit the ability of insurgent candidates win delegates in 2016.

Wearing badges that stated "Remember Maine 2012," the group was trailed by news media, cameras and security who guided the marchers to the exits without confrontation. They continued their march outside the arena toward nearby streets.

"We played by the rules, and they changed the rules," said Sherry Kornahrens, a Paul supporter from Reno, Nev.

? Tom Beaumont ? Twitter



Nothing tugs at the hearts of the GOP faithful like invoking the name of the late Ronald Reagan. And Sen. Rand Paul didn't disappoint.

Paul recounted author Paul Kengor's story of an 11-year-old boy in a small Illinois town coming home from a basketball game at the local YMCA one night to find his father sprawled out in the snow, drunk, dead to the world.

"The boy stood over his father for a minute or two," said Paul. "He simply wanted to let himself in the door and pretend his dad wasn't there. Instead, he grabbed a fistful of overcoat and heaved his dad to the bedroom, away from the weather's harm and neighbors' attention."

And then the kicker:

"This young boy became the man ? Ronald Reagan ? whose sunny optimism and charisma shined so brightly that it cured the malaise of the late '70s, a confidence that beamed so broadly that it pulled us through a serious recession, and a faith that tugged so happily at all hearts that a generation of Democrats became Republicans."

? Andrew Miga ? Twitter



America is a land of immigrants. And pride in that heritage has been all over the place during the last two nights of the GOP convention. Speaker after speaker told stories of family roots beyond America ? and of how the struggles faced by those immigrants helped forge their own values.

For New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, it was reminiscing about his Irish father and his Sicilian mother (she was the family's real force, he noted).

For South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, it was recounting how her Indian immigrant parents instilled in their children a deep gratitude that they were growing up in America.

And for South Dakota Sen. John Thune, it was the memory of how his grandfather ? one of two Norwegian brothers ? came to America in 1906 knowing how to say only two things in English, "apple pie and coffee."

At Ellis Island, immigration officials decided their last name ? Gjelsvik ? was too difficult and asked them to change it. They picked "Thune," the name of the farm where they worked in Norway.

"Like many Americans," Thune said, "I've been blessed by the hard work and sacrifice of those who've come before."

It was a refrain that filled the hall again and again.

? Sally Buzbee



What Republican delegates are saying about veep nominee Paul Ryan:

"I think he's a rock star for the Republicans." ? Allie Burgin of Wynnewood, Okla.

"He'll definitely shake things up." ? Gary Inmon of San Antonia, Texas.

"We shouldn't be afraid of big ideas." ? Scott Baker of Willis, Texas, an alternate delegate who says Ryan bring big ideas on Medicare and Social Security.

"It's nice to have someone from my generation, and someone who's a Catholic, and a conservative. I can very much identify with him." ? Patrick Burns of Marietta, Ga.

? Gerrad Carson




A copy of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's convention speech, emailed to reporters by organizers, incorrectly identified the speaker as Ron Paul, the Texas congressman who challenged Mitt Romney for the GOP presidential nomination.

Ron Paul, who is Rand' father, isn't speaking at the convention, though a video tribute to him was played for delegates Wednesday evening. Ron Paul said he has no plans to endorse Romney, and some of his supporters caused a stir on the convention floor Tuesday over new rules that could impede future insurgent candidates like Paul.

Convention organizers later sent out a corrected copy of the speech, just minutes after delegates watched a video featuring another Republican father-son duo: Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

? Josh Lederman ? Twitter



The two Bush presidents ? George H.W. and son George W. ? offered their personal recollections about their days in the White House in a video appearance at the Republican convention Wednesday night.

Neither man attended in person.

In the video, the son remembered a visit to the Oval Office by Russian President Vladimir Putin and how impressed he was. The father remembered former "Saturday Night Live" cast member Dana Carvey's imitations of him ? and a funny performance in the White House.

Also remembering their White House days and past conventions were first ladies Barbara Bush and Laura Bush.

? Donna Cassata ? Twitter



Paul Ryan takes the stage tonight as the Republican Party's vice presidential candidate and its darling. About a week after Mitt Romney named Ryan his running mate, an AP-GfK poll found that 63 percent of Republicans held a favorable impression of the congressman. Just 15 percent held an unfavorable one. Here's a look at which groups of Republicans hold him in particularly high esteem:

Conservative Republicans (70 percent favorable) give him rave reviews, including 47 percent who hold a "very favorable" opinion. That figure outpaces Romney's "very favorable" ratings among the group (37 percent).

Among moderate and liberal Republicans, 50 percent have a positive take on Ryan.

Tea party backers are particularly fond of Ryan. His favorability among supporters of that political movement stands at 79 percent.

Older Republicans (72 percent favorable among those age 45 and up) are more positive than Republicans of Ryan's own generation (53 percent among those under age 45).

? Jennifer Agiesta ? Twitter



Sen. Rand Paul brought many delegates to their feet with a rousing call for both political parties to put aside fear and stand up for Americans' rights.

"Republicans and Democrats must replace fear with confidence ? confidence that no terrorist, and no country, will ever conquer us if we remain steadfast to the principles of our founding documents," said Paul, whose father is Rep. Ron Paul, the former presidential candidate with a pool of fervent followers.

"We have nothing to fear except our own unwillingness to defend what is naturally ours, our God-given rights," Rand Paul declared. "We have nothing to fear that should cause us to forget or relinquish our rights as free men and women."

His father, who carried 190 delegates at the GOP convention, didn't speak but was the subject of a tribute video.

? Connie Cass ?Twitter



The GOP's 2008 presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain, returned to the convention stage to excoriate Barack Obama for failing to back Iranians and Syrians who've given their lives in the fight against oppression.

McCain says the president missed a historic opportunity by failing to throw America's "full moral support" behind Iranian revolutionaries trying to oust "a brutal dictatorship that terrorizes the Middle East and threatens the world."

And he says Obama "is not being true to our values" when he abandons Syrians to "a savage and unfair fight."

"The demand for our leadership in the world has never been greater," McCain said. "People don't want less of America. They want more."

? Connie Cass ?Twitter



Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says his brother, the former president, is smart to stay away from the Republican convention because he will just become more of a target for President Barack Obama.

"The president has spent a lot of time and energy around this notion that 'I can't do anything about it. It's all Bush's fault. You know I'm trying, but it's not working because it's Bush's fault,'" Bush told ABC News. "Now we're in year four of a presidency, think back into American history, think of a president that is blaming his predecessor in the fourth year. So why encourage the bad behavior and I think my brother is smart to stay away."

? Stephen Ohlemacher ? Twitter



White House press secretary Jay Carney says President Barack Obama hasn't watched any Republican convention speeches ? because "he has other things to do."

? Julie Pace ? Twitter



Even though Isaac has moved beyond Florida, the hurricane's still having an impact on the Republicans meeting in Tampa.

Presidential nominee Mitt Romney is considering a visit to hard-hit Gulf Coast areas after the storm passes.

Several speakers Wednesday night mentioned the hurricane at the beginning of their remarks and promoted Red Cross relief efforts.

? Kasie Hunt ? Twitter


EDITOR'S NOTE ? Follow AP journalists on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

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The Chiefs Home Improvement Plan: A Work In Progress ...

The Kansas City Chiefs GM Scott Pioli has done it. With some deft drafting, shrewd maneuvers and timely signings, Pioli has finally done it: he?s made the Kansas City Chiefs into? a work in progress.

It?s official: ladies and gentlemen, the KC Chiefs are a brick house. Of course the Chiefs are a few bricks short of an out-house? but, at least that?s a house too, right?

So, how did we get here? Wasn?t this was supposed to be a team that competes for a Conference title and bangs with the big boys of the AFC?

The deft drafting? Daft.
The shrewd maneuvers and timely signings? Closer to inept and silly.

Typifying the Chiefs? drafting in this manner, based upon two hellacious (emphasis on the ?hell?) preseason games, is probably not fair or factual, but this is not about accuracy or democracy; it?s about feelings. That?s why we watch the sport isn?t it? We all want to feel good?at least some of the time?and this doesn?t. Maybe it?s simply that the first Chiefs preseason game was so gloriously fun to watch that the juxtaposition is a big pile a pooh.

So, what happens next is anybody?s guess. At least Head Coach Romeo Crennel, appropriately, is not happy, and that makes me happy? at least a little.

As you would expect: the Chiefs will be making moves.

Chiefs fans around the globe are doing their own surveillance in hopes of seeing the team improve. In response to my recent article called, ?Will The Chiefs Really Be Better In 2012,? Addict poster ?iowaskcchiefsfan? had this to say about possible upcoming moves by the Chiefs:

The Chiefs could sign FA?s Marcus Thomas, DT/NT, 6?3?, 320 lbs., 6th season. Played NT in the Denver 3-4 for 3 years until their switch to the 4-3. A 2-down run-stopper who won?t provide much as a pass rusher, or Howard Green, NT/DE, 6?2?, 320 lbs., Run-stopper, a bit more pass-rush. They could also trade for Sammie Hill, DT/NT, 6?4?, 330 lbs., 4th season. He had 80 tackles and 4 sacks in the last 2 seasons as a back-up, maybe a 4th rnd. pick. Or. Pat Sims, DT/NT, 6?2? , 330 lbs., With the Bengals having drafted Devon Still (2nd pick) and Brandon Thompson (3rd pick), should be available. Spent most of 2011 on IR, Had 2.5 sacks and 9 QB pressures in 2010 as a back-up.

If Brandon Flowers is hurt, and stays hurt, who will take over as the Chiefs number one corner? Jalil Brown doesn?t look like the immediate solution, even if he might be that someday. There are some unknowns about Stanford Routt. The Bleacher Report says CB Terrence McGee may be available by the end of camp,

Unfortunately, McGee might be the odd man out this offseason. The Bills drafted talented cornerback Stephon Gilmore with their first-round pick, who will come in and compete for a starting job. Buffalo already has Aaron Williams?who has a bead on one of those starting gigs thanks to a solid rookie season?and Leodis McKelvin.

There are many other intriguing cuts that may be in the work as well.

The Bengals have a logjam at LB, and because it looks like Vontaze Burfict is going to stick, Dontay Moch may be on the outside looking in when camp is over. I liked Moch when he was coming out of Nevada, especially because he runs a 4.44- 40 time.

Another potential area of weakness on the Chiefs roster, once again, is at backup quarterback. Ricky ?I-don?t-like-you-anymore? Stanzi is nowhere near to being the short term solution the Chiefs hoped he might be. Brady ?I?m-still-not-sure-about-you? Quinn is a big question mark. Chiefs back-up QBs should wear a big question mark instead of a number.

The Chiefs need a QB who is an experienced back-up with at least some credentials.

Are there any QB?s out there who fit that description? Two seasons ago the Carolina Panthers draft QB Jimmy Clausen. Last year they draft Cam Newton. Newton of course is a Pro Bowler and the face and future of the team and the league. Clausen is predicted, by his own coach, to have a future starting for another team. However, it?s not Clausen that I?m hoping to get cut. It?s the other backup, Derrick Anderson, who threw for over 3,700 yards for a Romeo Crennel-led Browns team in 2007. If the Chiefs could land someone like Anderson to backup Cassel, it would be the best backup they?ve had since Rich Gannon was in town. With Anderson currently serving as the Panthers? number two QB, the Chiefs would likely have to trade for him. Such a trade would be a positive move as long as they don?t weaken the existing starting line-up.

The problem I have with any of these suggestions is that they?re ho-hum. Business as usual. Worse yet, its the same-ole-same-ole second rate organization-on-a-shoe-string approach to player development that we?ve seen for years. At least Carl Peterson would land a big fish every now and then.

Second rate acquisitions of:
Matt Cassel: the player who invented the term ?career back-up?
Mike Vrabel: the player who was thrown in on the Cassel deal that made Pioli bite on the trade but, who was also on the far-back-nine of this career.
Chris Chambers: a San Diego throwaway. We should have trusted in that analysis because after the Chiefs gave him a nice contract, he turned back into the throwaway he is.
Thomas Jones: what was he good for? He was good for ? a season. Then if you subtract the ? season he took from Jon Baldwin, well, you do the math.

Pioli was also good for:
Mike Brown
Devard Darling
Sean Ryan
Bobby Wade
Dantrell Savage
Rudy Niswanger
Sabby Piscatilli

Scott Pioli may spend all of his time swinging the hammer, but he sure hits his thumb a lot.

Second rate draft picks:
Alex Magee: why? Just, why?
Donald Washington: with the 102nd pick the Chiefs could have taken Johnny Knox or any of 150 other players like Quinten Lawrence or Javarris Williams. What? Oh. Never mind.
Quinten Lawrence
Javarris Williams
Colin Brown
Jake O?Connell

I?ll give this to Pioli: every single one of the 2010 draft picks are still on the roster and look to contribute. The same might be said for the 2011 draft but, it?s too early to appropriately reflect on that draft.

The Chiefs home improvement project needs a great looking front porch?or how about one of those huge gnarly driftwood mantle pieces? At the minimum, the kitchen needs upgrading so they can get some cooking done.

And if the Chiefs can?t at least look good at home, they may be shopping for a new architect sooner rather than later.

So Addicts, if you were remodeling and had millions to spend: what would it look like?

Never miss a chance to get your fix! Follow Arrowhead Addict on Twitter and be sure to like our Facebook page.



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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

'Teen Mom' series ends with laughs, tears

By Bruna Nessif, E! Online

Louis A Raynor / MTV

The show is over for the cast of MTV's "Teen Mom," from left Farrah Abraham, Catelynn Lowell, Maci Bookout and Amber Portwood,

That animated "Teen Mom" book is now closed forever. On Tuesday night, fans had to say goodbye to original castmembers Catelynn, Farrah, Maci and Amber (well, until the two-part reunion with Dr. Drew).

So what were our last memories with our favorite young mothers?

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Catelynn: The drama with Tyler's father, Butch, continued and viewers started to see exactly how it affected the usually calm Ty. All of a sudden, the young guy that caught all of America's hearts from day one was dropping F-bombs and having temper tantrums like we've never seen -- over doggy doo-doo! This led to him seeing his therapist which led to us having a sobfest in front of the television screens.

"I don't know why. I never did anything wrong to the guy so I don't know why he doesn't love me," he said of his father, and then decided to write Butch a lengthy letter to finally cut ties with the dad he never had.

Farrah: As sad as this new Florida girl was to have daughter Sophia stay with grandma in Nebraska for a month, it worked out for the best. Farrah finished her first quarter of school with straight A's! Regardless, she made it clear that she doesn't want to send Soph away again, and cried about it a couple times. Even Sophia called her a "cry baby," which was way too cute and hilarious.

Have you seen Farrah's music video?

Maci: The tension between Maci and Ryan didn't die down during the series finale, and kind of left us hanging. Ry decided to visit his lawyer's office (again) to file for joint custody and possibly make it a violation of the court for Kyle and Maci to live together since they're not married. But once he brought that up to his parents and girlfriend Dalis, his GF quickly said, "What if we decide to live together?" She's got a point there, Ryan.

Unfortunately, that's where Maci's story ended. We don't know what happened with the court or if Ryan even went through with the filing.

Amber: Oh, where to start? First off, we meet a new man in Amber's life, Mike, who seemed like a nice guy but Gary didn't care and hated him regardless. A huge argument went down between Leah's parents when Gary decided to throw his daughter a birthday party that Amber wasn't allowed to go to, instead of waiting until after their court hearing to celebrate. We were also introduced to a new phrase that Amber's baby daddy called her--"slut puppy."

See what Daniel had to say about his breakup with Farrah!

Yeah, but we all know Gary, and within the next five minutes he felt bad and made things right with Amber again. The duo went to court together (held hands, even!) and ultimately, Gary got sole custody of Leah and the no-contact order was dropped.

Amber's camp tells E! News that she's doing OK and behaving in jail. There's even a possibility that if she continues her good behavior, Amber could be released before her five-year sentence is up.

What did you think of the final episode of the series? How do you think these young moms will fare out of the "Teen Mom" spotlight? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page.

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Twitter index: things to do before you die, movie quotes, Selena Gomez

Twitter users are talking about things to do before they die, the best movie quotes and Selena Gomez on Tuesday, August 28.?

Currently Twitter's most popular trending topic around the world is #10ThingsIMustDoBeforeIDie; microbloggers are taking advantage of the hashtag to share their varied, and not always serious, bucket lists.

Twitter user @tombtw tweets "#10ThingsIMustDoBeforeIDie Buy a parrot. Teach it to say, 'Help! I've been turned into a parrot.' Leave it in a public place and observe"; while @5AM_M3R50N tweets "#10ThingsIMustDoBeforeIDie - Wear a t-shirt that says 'Life,' then stand on street corner handing out lemons." Others however are taking it a little more seriously, @Kristinamuradov, for example, tweeted "get married and have kids," and @AlesanaRyan wrote "Make my parents proud."

Tuesday's other popular hashtag "#BestMovieQuotes" see's Twitter users sharing their favorite lines from films, while fans of Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift are showing their love of their idols by trending "Selena Is Awesome" and "Taylor Inspires Us" respectively.

Also trending on August 28 is the name of American activist Rachel Corrie, who in 2003 at the age of 23 was killed by an Israeli bulldozer while attempting to intervene in the destruction of a Palestinian home. Rachel's mother fought a long campaign to get justice for her daughter; however, on August 28, Israeli courts ruled that her daughter's death was accidental.

The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on August 28 at 12:30 PM GMT are:?

01.? #10ThingsIMustDoBeforeIDie
02.? #BestMovieQuotes
03.? #15ArtisYangPengenGwTemuin
04.? Selena Is Awesome
05.? Taylor Inspires Us
06.? Rachel Corrie
07.? SGP
08.? NCAE
09.? Cataluna
10.? FARC?


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NEW YORK (Reuters) - Some two dozen topless women protested in a New York City park on a hot, sweaty Sunday as part of what they called "National Go-Topless Day" to draw attention to inequality in topless rights between men and women. There were topless men in the park, too, but nobody paid them much attention, a disparity, organizers said, that demonstrated the need for the event. The topless women drew crowds of onlookers who took pictures and video with their cell phones. ...


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nutrition tied to improved sperm DNA quality in older men

Monday, August 27, 2012

A new study led by scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) found that a healthy intake of micronutrients is strongly associated with improved sperm DNA quality in older men. In younger men, however, a higher intake of micronutrients didn't improve their sperm DNA.

In an analysis of 80 healthy male volunteers between 22 and 80 years of age, the scientists found that men older than 44 who consumed the most vitamin C had 20 percent less sperm DNA damage compared to men older than 44 who consumed the least vitamin C. The same was true for vitamin E, zinc, and folate.

"It appears that consuming more micronutrients such as vitamin C, E, folate and zinc helps turn back the clock for older men. We found that men 44 and older who consumed at least the recommended dietary allowance of certain micronutrients had sperm with a similar amount of DNA damage as the sperm of younger men," says Andy Wyrobek of Berkeley Lab's Life Sciences Division.

"This means that men who are at increased risk of sperm DNA damage because of advancing age can do something about it. They can make sure they get enough vitamins and micronutrients in their diets or through supplements," adds Wyrobek.

Wyrobek conducted the research with a team of researchers that includes Brenda Eskenazi of the University of California at Berkeley's School of Public Health and scientists from the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom. They report their findings in the August 27 online issue of the journal Fertility and Sterility.

Their research comes as more men over 35 have children, which raises public health concerns. Previous research conducted in Wyrobek's lab found that the older a man is, the more he's likely to have increased sperm DNA fragmentation, chromosomal rearrangements, and DNA strand damage. Older men are also more likely to have increased frequencies of sperm carrying certain gene mutations, such as those leading to dwarfism. These findings help explain why aging men are less fertile and are predicted to have more chromosomally defective pregnancies and a higher proportion of offspring with genetic defects.

But until now, researchers haven't understood whether diet can protect against the detrimental effects of aging on the sperm genome.

The scientists studied a group of about 80 men between 20 and 80 years old with an average age of 44. They were recruited several years ago as part of the California Age and Genetic Effects on Sperm Study when Wyrobek was at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Each man who participated in the study filled out a 100-item questionnaire that estimated their average daily vitamin intake, both from food and supplements.

In addition, their sperm DNA quality was assessed via a lab analysis in which a voltage gradient pulls broken DNA strands from intact strands within the sperm nucleus.

Each volunteer's intake of a micronutrient was classified as low, moderate, or high based on how they compared to other participants. The median daily intake, both from diet and supplements, was 162 milligrams for vitamin C, 23.7 milligrams for vitamin E, 2,586 micrograms for ?-carotene, 475 grams for folate, and 12.3 milligrams for zinc. Many participants, even those who reported to be healthy, consumed much less than the recommended dietary allowance for many of the micronutrients.

The scientists analyzed the data several ways and came up with the same result each time: A diet high in antioxidants and micronutrients may decrease the risk of producing sperm with DNA damage, especially in older men.

Why this is so isn't a mystery. Antioxidants scavenge reactive molecules that cause oxidative damage to cells. Studies have shown that dietary supplementation with antioxidants and increased consumption of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables can decrease the amount of oxidative DNA damage.

Based on their results, the scientists believe this same protective mechanism may also be at work in the reproductive tract of older men.

"The different response of the old and young men presents new opportunities for health care, especially for older men planning families," says Wyrobek.

More research is needed, however. Although the scientists found a clear link between higher vitamin intake and improved sperm DNA quality in older men, they don't know whether this link extends to male fertility and the health of offspring.

"Our research points to a need for future studies to determine whether increased antioxidant intake in older fathers will improve fertility, reduce risks of genetically defective pregnancies, and result in healthier children," says Wyrobek. "The research also raises a broader question beyond sperm DNA: How might lifestyle factors, including higher intakes of antioxidants and micronutrients, protect somatic as well as germ cells against age-related genomic damage?"


DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory:

Thanks to DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 62 time(s).


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Robot drivers learn to react like startled critters

9 hrs.

Robot drivers of the future may steer clear of potholes, toppled power lines and stray cats thanks to an artificial neural network modeled after the fear-response mechanism in mammals.

The system, called STARTLE, uses existing hardware and sensors to scan the environment for threats. If one is detected, it will cue other systems to deal with it swiftly.

The system is programmed to kick into gear when it notices something abnormal. That could be a pothole, which it focuses resources to steer around, or?a child running out into the street after a soccer ball, prompting it to hit the brakes.

New Scientist has the details:

The design mimics the amygdala, which provides a rapid response to threats. The amygdala helps small animals to deal with complex, fast-changing surroundings, allowing them to ignore most sensory stimuli.

STARTLE was developed Roke Manor Research, a Hampshire, England, based research and development firm that boasts a ?diverse portfolio of products protecting military people and platforms against a constantly changing threat.?

With that kind of background, we can expect to see STARTLE outfitted on tanks and Humvees, but this type of technology will almost certainly find a home in the robot cars destined to soon clog our roadways.?

In fact, similar safety mechanisms are under development at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where robotic co-pilots take over the wheel when it senses a driver is about to crash.

?? via New Scientist?

John Roach is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. To learn more about him, check out his website. For more of our Future of Technology series, watch the featured video below.


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Two dead in Legionnaires' outbreak tied to Chicago hotel

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Two people died and six others became ill after contracting Legionnaires' disease in an outbreak linked to a Chicago Marriott hotel this summer, city health officials said.

The eight cases were among 8,500 people staying at the JW Marriott between July 16 and August 16. Marriott officials said Tuesday they have been able to contact 80 percent of the guests who stayed at the downtown hotel during that time to alert them of the possible risk.

There is "no ongoing health threat at the hotel," according to Dr. Kathleen Ritger, Medical Director over Communicable Disease at the Chicago Department of Public Health.

Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia. The disease is contracted by breathing in a mist or vapor contaminated with the Legionella bacteria, which can grow in cooling towers, showers and other water sources. People already in poor health are the most vulnerable.

Another recent outbreak has caused the death of eight people in the Canadian province of Quebec. Canadian officials say they have identified more than 100 cases since July.

The illness is named for a 1976 outbreak at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia. An average of 30 cases are reported per year in Chicago.

(Reporting By Mary Wisniewski; editing by Andrew Hay)


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Monday, August 27, 2012

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Online Business Ideas and Home Business Tips: Build A Profitable ...

By Adam Duncan

To find long-term success with online marketing, you need a good strategy. True, there is short term success when you build a site and launch a product but that doesn't mean a great deal in the long run without your creating a good strategy at the outset. You should be looking to build a business that will continue to get bigger and produce a long-term income source. In order to attain long term success through your business below are a few new and creative techniques you should use.

For your website to become a long lasting success you must get a high ranking within the search engines. Once you have your website ranking highly, you will get plenty of traffic to your site, without the need to work continuously on it. We all know that all it takes to make a business successful in the long run, is to have a great deal of traffic that become buyers. You'll have to have excellent search engine optimization in place on your web site if you want to raise yourself up within the search engine rankings. For this to happen, you have to optimize your site for the best keyword phrases you could find. When you do this, along with having an excellent back linking strategy, it should only take three to six months to be in the top five rankings in the search engines.

Pay per click marketing (or PPC) is another technique you can use to get website traffic and, with any luck, customers. As long as you can run marketing campaigns that generate more sales than the money you are paying for the advertisements, it is a very good way to earn money. As long as you learn what you are doing, Google Adwords is often a highly effective strategy, but done incorrectly it can cost you a lot of money in a quick hurry. Setting up your marketing campaign properly is important and tracking is vital too--when you do this, you ought to be able to keep everything in your budget.

Social media marketing is one more excellent method for increasing the traffic flowing in to your site. When you can actually rank well within sites like Digg and StumbleUpon, your website will be found by all sorts of buyers and customers. Today even big companies like Burger King and American Express are using business blogging. By building relationships, blogging is becoming a crucial part of internet marketing as a powerful way to find new clients. A long term strategy that is required for the success of your enterprise, includes both press releases and article marketing. Not only do they help to create back links for your website but they bring in new clients through the information that you offer.

To put your business in a place where it can obtain traffic and generate sales, these are just a number of the marketing strategies you need to be using. Your business has a market that needs to be targeted, and a good marketing plan is needed to make it successful.

About the Author:

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Survivors: strong gas odor before Venezuela blast

Members of a family walk on a street as flames rise after an explosion in the Amuay refinery near Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Venezuelans who live next to the country's biggest oil refinery said they smelled a strong odor of sulfur hours before a gas leak ignited in an explosion on Saturday that killed at least 39 people and injured more than 80. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Members of a family walk on a street as flames rise after an explosion in the Amuay refinery near Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Venezuelans who live next to the country's biggest oil refinery said they smelled a strong odor of sulfur hours before a gas leak ignited in an explosion on Saturday that killed at least 39 people and injured more than 80. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Family members load belongings onto a truck as they evacuate their damaged home after an explosion in the Amuay refinery near Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Venezuelans who live next to the country's biggest oil refinery said they smelled a strong odor of sulfur hours before a gas leak ignited in an explosion on Saturday that killed at least 39 people and injured more than 80. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Firefighters and rescue teams work at the Amuay oil refinery in Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. A huge explosion rocked Venezuela's biggest oil refinery and unleashed a ferocious fire Saturday, killing over 20 people and injuring dozens in the deadliest disaster in memory for the country's key oil industry. (AP Photo/Diario EL Amanecer)

A large fire rises over the Amuay refinery near Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. A huge explosion rocked Venezuela's biggest oil refinery, killing at least 24 people and injuring dozens, an official said. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

People recover belongings from a damaged house after a explosion in the Amuay refinery near Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Venezuelans who live next to the country's biggest oil refinery said they smelled a strong odor of sulfur hours before a gas leak ignited in an explosion on Saturday that killed at least 39 people and injured more than 80. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

(AP) ? After nightfall on Friday, as red lights began glowing atop the massive Amuay refinery in western Venezuela, the odor of sulfur made its way through the surrounding neighborhood of working-class homes and small shops.

Francisco Gonzalez, a stocky accountant with dark hair, noticed the smell after 7 p.m. as he climbed the stairs to his second-story apartment across the street from the refinery. He had smelled the fumes from gas leaks many times before, so he didn't think much about it as he shut the door.

Six hours later, disaster struck. A powerful explosion ripped through the neighborhood and engulfed part of the refinery in flames, killing at least 39 people and injuring more than 80 in Venezuela's deadliest refinery blast ever.

"The first thing I saw was that the apartment didn't have windows or doors or walls, just a floor and a roof," Gonzalez said. "I don't know how we survived."

In the dark, the 31-year-old man made his way downstairs to the street, where he, his brother and sister-in-law joined terrified neighbors. Some were wounded. Others were shouting.

When Gonzalez looked at the back of his right hand, it was bleeding from gashes.

At about 2 a.m., the halls of the hospital were filling up with wounded people. Doctors and nurses hurried to treat the most seriously hurt, while Gonzalez and others sat on the floor waiting their turn.

Back at the refinery, soldiers, firefighters and state oil company workers were diving into action. Bodies were pulled from the rubble and lifted onto pickup trucks.

Stella Lugo, the governor of Falcon state, went on state television to update the nation, setting the initial toll at seven people dead and 48 injured. The toll steadily rose in the next hours.

When she reached the refinery at dawn, Lugo posted a photo on Twitter showing balls of fire and black smoke billowing.

Other government officials went on television saying the gas leak had led to the blast and that the fire was being brought under control. President Hugo Chavez ordered an investigation and declared three days of mourning in the country.

A total of 209 homes and 11 businesses were damaged in the explosion, and a National Guard post next to the refinery was destroyed, Vice President Elias Jaua said on Saturday. He said 18 of the victims were National Guard soldiers.

On Saturday night, dozens of people who had fled their homes in the neighborhood of La Pastora returned to streets covered with rubble, twisted scraps of metal and puddles of spilled fuel.

Gabriela Nunez, a housewife, went back to her home to gather belongings, saying she was worried about looters who had stolen goods from nearby stores hours after the explosion.

"That forced us to come back, even though we're afraid, to save what can be saved and secure our houses," Nunez said.

More than a day after the blast, the flames were still raging on Sunday, sending up a column of dark smoke.

Some oil experts and government critics were also raising questions, saying they believe there hasn't been sufficient maintenance at refineries and that the situation could be making such incidents more likely.

Refinery manager Jesus Luongo denied that, as did Chavez, who spoke to journalists near the refinery on Sunday.

The president said investigators haven't determined what caused the disaster.

"Lack of maintenance? Who can, who can say that right now with any seriousness? Nobody," Chavez said. He said he had spoken personally with some of the military officers who were on duty at the time.

"They tell me that very night, in the rounds that were made a few hours earlier, no substantial leak was detected," said Chavez, who later visited the refinery complex and attended a Mass for the victims.

Amuay is among the world's largest refineries and is part of the Paraguana Refinery Complex, which also includes the adjacent Cardon refinery. Together, the refineries process about 900,000 barrels of crude per day and 200,000 barrels of gasoline.

Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said the country has enough fuel in storage, "10 days of inventories," to keep the Venezuelan market fully supplied. He said fires were still burning in two fuel storage tanks but that other "process areas" of the refinery were otherwise unaffected.

Once the flames are completely extinguished, Ramirez said, "we have the ability to restart our refinery in two days."

Restarting will be a challenge for Gonzalez, who picked through what remained of his family's apartment, sweeping away debris with a broom. Broken glass littered the floor along with fragments of the shattered walls.

The shop on the first floor was also destroyed, but Gonzalez and his brother and sister-in-law all survived with only minor injuries.

"I'm happy to be here telling this story," Gonzalez said, his hand covered in a bandage and with stitches on his arms. "Material things, although they cost us a great deal to obtain, aren't worth much when you compare them with life."


Associated Press writers Ian James and Christopher Toothaker, in Caracas, contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Onkyo TX-NR414 A/V Receiver | Best Noise Cancelling Headphones

Onkyo TX-NR414 A/V Receiver

Audio Performance
Video Performance

Price: $499 At A Glance: Internet radio with a plethora of cloud streaming services ? PiP source input preview ? iDevice and Android Onkyo Remote app

Last year I had the pleasure of reviewing the Onkyo TX-NR609 AVR (Home Theater, August 2011), which offered a boatload of features, including seven channels of amplification, firstrate video processing, THX-Select certification, and many of the goodies found on the flagship products for the attractive price of $599. When I was done with my audition, I gladly gave the product Top Pick status and recommended it for anyone looking for near-flagship performance on a tight budget.

This time, I?m taking a look at the $499 Onkyo TX-NR414 5.1-channel network A/V receiver, a new 400 Series model added to the company?s lineup for 2012. THX-Select certification still starts with the 600 Series in the TX-NR616, which now carries a price tag of $699. At $599 list, where the old TX-NR609 used to reside, you?ll find the TX-NR515, which drops power output from 100 to 80 watts per channel (in stereo) and gives up the THX moniker but retains the excellent Marvell Qdeo video processor offered in the TX-NR616. Stepping down to the TX-NR414, you mainly give up two channels of amplification and video processing but retain the TX-NR515?s networking, extensive HDMI connectivity, and 80-watts-per-channel power output along with Onkyo?s proprietary WRAT (Wide Range Amplifier Technology) and the clean, natural sound it delivers.

When you get into AVR shopping, comparing products at the same list price from different manufacturers can get complicated, especially so with the 2012 crop. Onkyo?s suggested retail prices are up across the line this year, and some of Onkyo?s chief competitors are no longer discounted the way they once were. Instead, the manufacturer suggested prices reflect the actual sale price (or something closer to it), while Onkyo?s street prices continue to have a larger spread relative to MSRP. The TX-NR414, despite its $499 list, can be found online, as of this writing in early June, for $300 or less and should rightly be compared to products in that budget price range.

Not surprisingly, you give up a number of frills at this price level that we?ve come to expect in more expensive models. There?s no Audyssey auto setup or EQ programs to assist you in setting up the AVR in your room, and no THX Loudness Plus, Audyssey Dynamic Volume, or Dynamic EQ modes for low-volume listening. There is an Onkyo Late Night mode to compress the dynamic range of soundtracks, although it only works on Dolby Digital and Dolby TrueHD tracks and not with the many flavors that DTS offers. Like most receivers in its class, the TX-NR414 doesn?t have a video processor chip, which means it cannot transcode analog video from non-HDMI source components to the HDMI output. This is no problem if all your A/V sources have HDMI outputs, although it makes connection to your display more complicated if you have older legacy sources with only composite or component video outputs. In that case, you?ll need to also run a composite or component video cable to the display along with HDMI. Thankfully, our video tests confirmed that the Onkyo did pass the corresponding video signals unmolested to the display without clipping or distortion, something we don?t always see.

Onkyo TX-NR414 A/V Receiver

What you do get at this price is a good, basic A/V receiver with plenty of HDMI connectivity and some nice added perks. To begin, this is a network-connected receiver that offers a commendable mix of cloud-based streaming services. It is DLNA certified and Windows 7 compatible. Not only can the unit stream audio from your home computer in virtually every popular music format-including WMA lossless and FLAC-the AVR offers access to Internet radio channels from Pandora, Slacker, Sirius XM, Lastfm, and vTuner, plus cloud-based music streaming from Rhapsody, MP3tunes, Spotify, and AUPEO!. Furthermore, the Internet connectivity has the added benefit of allowing the AVR to link to Onkyo?s servers for firmware updates. The network connection also facilitates the Onkyo Remote app, and then there?s something on board called InstaPrevue, which I?ll talk more about later.

The TX-NR414 weighs in at 19 pounds, about average for this class of receiver. The front panel includes direct switching to each input, a dimmable display, a headphone jack, analog stereo and composite inputs, as well as a USB port for direct digital connection of an iPod/iPhone, a USB mass storage device loaded with music files, or Onkyo?s optional Wireless LAN adapter (UWF-1).

The rear panel has six HDMI 1.4a inputs, one HDMI output (with Audio Return Channel), two component video inputs (one output), four composite video inputs (one output), dual TosLink and coaxial digital inputs, five stereo analog inputs, an Ethernet jack, and a non-detachable power cord. With only five onboard amplifiers, there?s obviously no powered Zone 2 audio option, but Zone 2 RCA outputs are included so you can add a stereo amp for speakers in a remote room or on a patio.

Setup and User Interface
Since there is no automatic audio setup program, I went old school and calibrated the audio with a RadioShack SPL meter. I?ve memorized my speaker distances due to frequent equipment swap-outs, so I had the audio setup completed within 5 minutes. Fortunately, Onkyo still has the easiest to learn menu systems in the business, and I had all of my sources configured in no time at all.

Check out the original source here.


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Awareness Watch Newsletter V10N9 September 2012
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The September 2012 V10N9 Awareness Watch Newsletter is a freely available 41 page .pdf document (289KB) from the above URL. This month?s featured report covers Tutorial Resources and Sites On the Internet. The Internet has literally leveled the tutorial playing field by making available to the world tutorial resources and sites to allow anyone to learn, obtain a certificate or even to the level of obtaining a PhD degree. This is an extremely comprehensive listing of tutorial resources and sites that are available directly from the Internet. Begin today by finding the best tutorial that you need for your business career, your personal development and/or your special interest. Academia has now taken a very strong foothold into the tutorial arena and we will be seeing many more complete courses and subject tutorials become available in the very near future. The Awareness Watch Spotters cover many excellent and newly released annotated current awareness research sources and tools as well as the latest identified Internet happenings and resources including a number of neat and must-have tools! The Awareness Watch Article Review covers Materializing Information: 3D Printing and Social Change by Matt Ratto and Robert Ree.

Subscribe to the monthly free Awareness Watch Newsletter by clicking here.

2012 Awareness Watch Newsletter Archives

Awareness Watch Newsletter V10N8 July 2012 Feature: Knowledge Discovery Resources 2012

Awareness Watch Newsletter V10N7 July 2012 Feature: New Economy Resources

Awareness Watch Newsletter V10N6 June 2012 Feature: Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Resources and Sites On the Internet

Awareness Watch Newsletter V10N5 May 2012 Feature: Sources and Sites for Searching the Deep Web

Awareness Watch Newsletter V10N4 April 2012 Feature: Privacy Resources and Sites on the Internet

Awareness Watch Newsletter V10N3 March 2012 Feature: Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Sources

Awareness Watch Newsletter V10N2 February 2012 Feature: Tutorial Online Resources 2012

Awareness Watch Newsletter V10N1 January 2012 Feature: Healthcare Online Resources 2012

2011 Awareness Watch Newsletter Archives

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N12 December 2011 Feature: Web Guide for the New 2012 Economy

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N11 November 2011 Feature: Finding People Resources and Sites and Finding Experts By Using the Internet

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N10 October 2011 Feature: Business Intelligence Resources

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N9 September 2011 Feature: Current Awareness Discovery Tools on the Internet

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N8 August 2011 Feature: Online Social Networking

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N7 July 2011 Feature: Cloud Computing Resources Primer

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N6 June 2011 Feature: Knowledge Management Resources 2011

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N5 May 2011 Feature: Current Awareness Discovery Tools on the Internet

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N4 April 2011 Feature: Deep Web Research

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N3 March 2011 Feature: eReference Library Link Toolkit

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N2 February 2011 Feature: Web Data Extractors

Awareness Watch Newsletter V9N1 January 2011 Feature: Semantic Web Research and Bot Research Resources

2010 Awareness Watch Newsletter Archives

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N12 December 2010 Feature: Online Research Tools Directory

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N11 November 2010 Feature: Business Intelligence Online Resources

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N10 October 2010 Feature: Data Mining Resources

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N9 September 2010 Feature: Student Research Resources

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N8 August 2010 Feature: Research Resources

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N7 July 2010 Feature: Web Guide for the New Economy

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N6 June 2010 Feature: Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Sources

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N5 May 2010 Feature: Deep Web Research 2010

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N4 April 2010 Feature: Journalism Resources

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N3 March 2010 Feature: Directories, Subject Trees, Pathfinders and Indexes

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N2 February 2010 Feature: Knowledge Discovery Resources 2010

Awareness Watch Newsletter V8N1 January 2010 Feature: Healthcare Online Resources 2010

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? 2012 Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.

posted by Marcus Zillman | 4:57 AM


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