Friday, August 10, 2012

Buying a Home with a Home-Based Business | Maryland Mortgage ...

The entrepreneurial spirit is integral to the American lifestyle, and many people currently operate or have operated a home-based business at some point in their life. If you currently own a home-based business and you?re shopping for a house, or if you think you might start a home-based business in the future, you?ve got to keep some extra considerations in mind. Operating a home-based business has some legal repercussions, and the layout of the home can also factor into whether it?s the right place for you.

Consider Zoning Restrictions

The most important thing to consider if you?re shopping for a home where you can operate a home-based business is zoning restrictions. Zoning restrictions determine whether you can operate a business from your home. For example, in an area zoned for residential use, you may not be able to operate a home-based business. But certain types of businesses may not be affected by zoning, or may have exemptions. This can quickly become a complex topic, so it?s best to consult an experienced realtor who can help guide you to appropriately-zoned areas.

Does the Home?s Layout Work for You?

If you find a home you love in an appropriately-zoned neighborhood, you have to evaluate the home?s layout. Is there a good office space for your home business, or will you have to work out of a corner of the kitchen? Will you be meeting clients in your home, and if so, will you have an appropriate space to hold these meetings? If you maintain a product inventory, is there a space to store it, or will it overrun your garage and basement?

Think about your home-based business both now and in the future. If your business does well, how will you grow? Will you be able to renovate the home to support your needs, or will you rent office space or offsite space to conduct your business? Operating a home-based business adds another layer of complexity to the home search process, but finding the right home for your needs is possible if you think ahead and examine all of your options.


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