Tuesday, September 11, 2012

CLAN: Treachery Gaming Community

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am here to recruit a newly formed clan called Treachery Gaming Community. All of our Leaders are all experenced and know what they are doing.

We have a military rank structure which are below:
Chairman (CV)
A Chairman is a leader of the community and holds the highest rank in the rank structure. A Chairman has the right to promote or demote any Section Commander or District Commander they seek and hold the highest superiority of any leader. A Chairman's main job is to expand TGC to new opportunities and to ensure its future growth and stability. A Chairman is identified by the initials "CV" at the end of the members Xbox LIVE gamertag (Ex. TGC Sample CV). All Chairman's are equal in power and ranking.
For someone to be promoted to Chairman, it requires a unanimous vote from all current CV's to agree on promoting a District Commander.

District Commander (DC)
District Commanders oversee the Regiment Commanders and their respective battalions. They are responsible for the well being of their Section Commanders and their regiments, dealing with any internal issues, and aiding the SC's and CV's on tasks. A District Commander may only be demoted by a unanimous vote of the current Chairmen. They are identified by their initials "DC" at the end of their gamertag. (Ex. TGC Sample DC).

Section Commander (SC)
A Section Commander oversees his/her regiment, which consists of 2-4 Battalions. They are responsible for the well being of their battalions, as well as the individuals in them. All members transfering in/out of their Section must get their approval. They are identified by their initials "SC" at the end of their gamertag. (ex. TGC Sample RC).

A General is in charge and watches over a Battalion. They are responsible for the well being of their battalion and the individual members as well as training the Major's. They conduct weekly battalion meetings. A battalion usually consists of 10-60 members. After successfully managing a battalion and acquiring key skills, he/she may be up for a potential promotion to Section Commander.

A Major is in charge of a platoon, as well as helping the General with battalion activities. A battalion consists of up to 2 platoons. The Major is responsible for the well-being of their platoon as well as the individual companies and the training of their captains. Managing and ensuring success in their platoon, they aid the General with battalion activites as well as moderating the battalion forums. Depending on how the companies/platoon/ and battalion does, he/she could be up for a potential promotion.

A Captain is in charge of a company. A company consists of 5-15 members, with a battalion consisting of up to 4 companies. Captains are in charge of the members in the company, training of the members for future promotions, and holding company meetings and other activities. If a captain has acquired the necessary skills to lead a company, he/she could be up for a promotion to Major.

A lieutenant is the right-hand man of the Captain with the company. They are responsible for the training and status of company members, as well as the overall success of the company.

Sergeants are an important structure in the company. They play a key role in training corporals and privates, as well as ensuring and aiding in the success of the individual company. Once obtaining a key sense of the company, rules, and success, they can be eligible for a promotion.

Like the privates, corporals must game with members regularly, as well as recruiting and putting in effort. They should be familiar with the TGC structure and rules, and learn from the sergeants as well as training the privates.

Privates are the base of a company. Main priority is to game with fellow company/platoon/battalion members, keep active, and recruit as well as familiarizing themselves with TGC rules, ranks, and regulations. After showing decent progress and understanding, they can be up for a promotion.

A recruit is the newest member of the community. A recruit must sign up on the website in 3-5 days of being recruited to remain in TGC. A recruit should make an attempt to learn the ranks and rules. After 3 days of signing up, he/she is promoted to corporal.

A gamer is someone who has chosen not to be in the rank structure, but still apart of TGC/his battalion. As a gamer you can still participate in TGC activities, events, and other stuff.

We also have a very good Graphics Team and a YouTube Team.

If you would like to join fell free to contact me on Xbox Live GT is TGC Spider CV or sign up on our website www.TGCHome.com hope to game with you soon

Game On

Source: http://www.cod4boards.com/forum/showthread.php?401249-Treachery-Gaming-Community

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