Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Looking For Information On Quitting Smoking? See The Tips Below! ?

Smoking is a habit and habits are ingrained mostly in the mind. There are some real physical discomforts resulting from nicotine withdrawal, but the first step of quitting is to really want to. First you must be absolutely convinced that you want to stop smoking, and after that quitting will be easier.

You should pick your method, or methods of quitting. Some people may only be able to use the ?cold turkey? method, meaning cutting their nicotine use entirely without tapering. However, this can make some people exceptionally cranky and exacerbate withdrawal. Gums, lozenges and other quitting cessation products exist to make the first week easier to handle.

Be aware of how easy it is to rationalize with yourself when you?re in the throes of withdrawals. Telling yourself that one won?t hurt or that you simply need a cigarette to get through a rough patch can be your undoing?plan ahead of time for how you will handle your own attempts to sabotage your quit.

Carry a water bottle with you once you decide to quit. Drinking a lot of water helps remove nicotine and other toxins from your system. Carrying water and drinking it often can help ease nicotine withdrawal pains. In addition, drinking water can help reduce the intensity of your tobacco cravings.

To quit smoking, you may want to think about going through hypnotherapy. During a session, the therapist will put you into a relaxing, dreamlike state and tell you not to smoke. Also, he or she may repeat certain reasons for you to quit so that you have this in your head when you wake up.

Make a detailed list of goals and rewards. Give yourself a finite date at which you want to be done smoking entirely, and split up the time between then and now with smaller goals. Attach a very specific and desirable (yet attainable) reward to each of these goals to keep yourself excited about quitting.

Don?t give up if you slip up. Anytime someone tries to give something up that they have been doing for years, there will likely be a struggle. When that struggle exists, slip ups often happen. If you do slip up, get right back on track and try again. The worst thing you can do is turn a slip up into an excuse to keep smoking, so don?t do it.

Use your children as a motivating factor in quitting smoking, and do it now. Statistics show that parents who smoke are much more likely to have children who smoke. Not only will this potentially be a lifelong habit that can cause them serious health problems, but they can also lose a measure of respect for you as someone who cannot control their own behavior.

If you have a loved one or friend that is trying to quit smoking and want to help them, then you need to provide them with your patience, love and understanding. This is the best way to help them out. If you try to push them, you may make it harder for them to quit in the long run.

Find out specifics on how quitting smoking will improve your health. There are many statistics out there about how dramatically different your odds of contracting diseases are if you don?t smoke. Find out too how soon you can expect to experience other small perks like improved breathing and sense of taste.

Make smoking hard to do. Wait until you have finished a pack before buying another one. You should also avoid buying cartons of them at a time. This will make it harder for you to get them. It also will remind you of what an inconvenience smoking is.

Don?t expect to quit smoking overnight. The day you decide to stop smoking will be the best day of your life, but there will be ramifications to your body and your emotional state for the next few weeks. However, with some patience and an one-day-at-a-time attitude, you will succeed, and you will soon be celebrating your smoke free status.

Gerard Pach owns a shop which often carries e cigs

Source: http://all-articles-directory.com/looking-for-information-on-quitting-smoking-see-the-tips-below/

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