Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Relationships and Marriage: my mil makes me so crazy!!!!

My MIL is making my life a living hell..

My husband and i have been together 7 years (married for 3) And my mother in law wants to be involved in everything that we do. If we dont include her than it is my fault and once again I am the horrible person that stole her son. She is so jealous of our life it is like she tries to ruin it. She was never able to be a SAHM like me and her and her husband were never able to own thier own home like we are and things like that.? To my face she acts like she loves me and everything then goes and says all these horrible things about me to other people. We have a daughter and she is seriously becoming obsessive over her like she doesnt know her place as a grandma she wants to be around my daughter constantly, and gets upset when my daughter just wants me. If she even goes 3 days without seeing her shes hugging all over her "grandma misses u so much!" and stuff like that. My daughter is 18 months old and has a mild hearing loss so she has hearing aids and has speech therapy appts a few times a week, and she will come to the appt and tell the therapist all kinds of crazy things that she thinks my daughter does and says... things i have never seen nor heard her do.. she also things my daughter calls her grandmama... she wants to be called that so its closest to mama. She wants my daughter to want to be with her more than me. It is just frustrating.. i dont know what to do and my husband doesnt see what she does.

I could go on and on, its like a daily thing with her!!

Source: http://www.focusonlinecommunities.com/thread/25120

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