Saturday, September 8, 2012

Video: Obama: Jobs report ?not good enough?

>> good evening. propelled by thunderous applause coming out of charlotte, where we last saw you just last night, president obama , after launching his reelection effort, was hit head-on by the economic reality today even though 96,000 jobs were added to the u.s. economy in the month of august, and even though the unemployment rate fell from 8.3 to 8.1%, both the need and expectations were greater than that. and so with economists using words like "anemic," that affected what the campaign was hoping would feel much more like a post-charlotte victory lap. the economy remains the big issue in this campaign. and we begin our coverage of all of all of it tonight with white house correspondent kristen welker traveling with the president in iowa city tonight. kristen , good evening.

>> reporter: good evening to you, brian. well, president obama left charlotte this morning with the vice president and first lady to hit pivotal swing states , and he tried to cast that jobs report in a positive light. campaigning in new hampshire, mr. obama took the long view on jobs.

>> today we learned that after losing around 800,000 jobs a month when i took office, business once again added jobs for the 30th month in a row. we know it's not good enough.

>> reporter: behind the scenes , white house officials and campaign operatives echoed senior white house adviser david plouffe who told supporters we come out of the convention with momentum. but the jobs report threatens to slow that momentum only hours after the president addressed the democratic national convention , what most were describing as a successful week.

>> know this, america, our problems can be solved. our challenges can be met. the path we offer may be harder, but it leads to a better place. and i'm asking you to choose that future.

>> reporter: instead of the rousing rhetoric the president had employed before an outdoor crowd of thousands in 2008 , last night mr. obama struck a more professorial tone in a gathering that had been forced inside by bad weather .

>> you didn't elect me to tell you what you wanted to hear, you elected me to tell you the truth.

>> reporter: today the president ridiculed the republicans.

>> tax cuts when times are good, tax cuts when times are bad. tax cuts to help you lose a few extra pounds.

>> reporter: last night, the vice president threw the sharpest barbs.

>> the most fascinating thing i found last week is when governor romney said that as president, he would take a jobs tour. well, with his support for outsourcing, it's going to have to be a foreign trip.

>> reporter: the presidential campaign next in the battle ground state of florida where the unemployment rate is higher than the national average. kristen welker, nbc news, iowa city , iowa.


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